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Good afternoon everyone,

We hope you are all well on cool and cloudy day.

We wanted to share a number of COVID-19 and Agency Updates with you today. Please the attached memo for:

  • COVID-19 Updates
  • Agency Updates
    • MCCSS
      • Journey to Belonging: (MCCSS placemat document attached for you as well)
      • KPMG Costing Study
    • Family Information Night
    • Phase Two Agency Resources Structure Update
    • Property Manager & Health & Safety Coordinator Updates

20-Oct-2022 – LCDS EMT Family & Stakeholder COVID-19 and Agency Update

DS Reform placemat (1)


Thank you. Be safe and be well.



Nick Salaris

Executive Director

Lambton County Developmental Services

Ph. (519) 882-0933 #12 Cell. (519) 331-0991 


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