COVID-19 Outbreak Declared at LCDS Home in Brigden
Lambton Public Health has declared a COVID-19 outbreak at the home in Brigden. The outbreak declaration will last 10 days, and the home will be out of the outbreak on September 9 (provided there are no further confirmed cases reported in the home). Lambton Public Health has completed a site inspection and will provide all guidance at this time. All families and the MCCSS have been notified.
We are all thinking of the Bridgen team, the people supported and their families at this time. A sincere and heart-felt thank you to the entire Brigden team for their hard work and diligence as they continue to work through the outbreak declaration. You got this!
MCCSS Compliance Review Notification
We have received notification for an upcoming compliance inspection from MCCSS beginning the week of September 18th. The 30-minute ‘Entrance Meeting’ will be at 10:00am Monday September 18th, the ‘Entrance Meeting’ will be held via Microsoft Teams. When the inspection concludes, the findings will be shared at an ‘Exit Meeting’ that will take approximately one (1) hour. This meeting will be tentatively scheduled on September 29th . There have been no further details provided at this time (i.e. locations to be inspected, dates/times of inspections, interview requests, etc.). We will provide more details as soon as they become available.
Thank you. Be well and safe – have a great day!
Nick Salaris
Executive Director
Lambton County Developmental Services
Ph. (519) 882-0933 #12 Cell. (519) 331-0991